Franchise and Concept Development
For emerging brands, taking those critical steps to move from one, two or three stores to more stores can be intimidating. Zorzees understands — we did it ourselves! And we now help emerging brands turn a concept into a franchise. From guiding you through the necessary legal documents to understanding the fundamental mathematics to know when franchising makes sense, Zorzees helps you every step of the way. Since we’ve been in your shoes, it’s this type of franchise consulting that Zorzees can speak to first-hand.
Area Development
For many franchises, stores are organized into areas, groups or districts. Zorzees provides the ability to create any international area based upon any attribute the franchisor would like (state, region, metropolitan area, manager name, etc.). Stores and contacts can then be assigned to that area, so that the area representative who logs in will only see those contacts, stores, job candidates, jobs and any other information, applicable to them.
CRM / Sales Pipeline
Capture prospect information and watch the pipeline flow. Prospects begin as a lead from the website or manually added by the franchisor, and then enter an automated 8-step process to become a franchisee. Clients can optionally make one step (step 4) a manual review process from the Franchisor or Area Rep to review/approve any application prior to distributing an FDD for e-signatures. The purpose of the module is to streamline and automate the entire prospecting process from wanting to open a franchise to opening the first store. Schedule a discovery day with prospects to get them on the line in front of your customers. Can the prospect manage a register? Do they work well with your customers? Keep those in-person sessions on track by scheduling them directly inside Zorzees and marking them as complete once attended.
Main Features
- Drip Email Marketing Campaigns
- Automated Prospect Statuses
- Automated 14-Day Waiting Periods
- Third Party Lead Integration via API
- Easy FDD Distribution for Disclosure
Document Repositories
Throughout the franchising process, a slew of documentation is created for each prospect and store. Keeping track of it all can be a daunting task, and Zorzees was designed to keep any franchisor, area rep, franchisee or corporate user intuitively aware of the location of these documents. Store documents are also associated with the franchisees of that store, and vice versa. So users can access the documents either way — through stores, or through contacts.
FDD Manager
The federal disclosure document is an essential component of franchising a business. FDD Receipts are e-signed in Zorzees by prospects at step 6 in the prospect flow, and are then emailed a PDF copy of the FDD as well as a copy of their e-signed FDD Receipt. For franchisors, the Zorzees system provides the ability to upload new versions of an FDD, and the corresponding FDD inside the 8-step application process is updated automatically. No web development or IT work is required to provide all prospects an updated FDD. Even when FDDs are updated mid-year, any user who has signed the FDD previously — but not signed a franchise agreement — will automatically be rolled back to Status 5, “signed NDA.” The next time they log into the system, the system will prompt them to sign the FDD. All of these users also receive an email alert when the new FDD has been uploaded.
Legal Closing
The Closing module pulls many features of the Zorzees system together. After a prospect has been qualified and a deal is about to be signed, franchisors or area reps launch a new closing inside Zorzees to confirm that all of the necessary data for each signor on the deal has been captured — signed FDD, financials, credit report, and other documents — can all be checked prior to the closing being saved.
On the closing, the user adds the number of stores in the deal along with potential geographic locations, the documents associated with the deal, the terms of the deal, and the date of the closing. Upon clicking “Award Stores” the stores are automatically created, prospects automatically become franchisees, and the documents are automatically associated with each store (and the closing). When a location is eventually selected and a lease is signed, the dates of the lease automatically populate the store and closing, in order to trigger alerts for the store such as “Days to Lease.” It’s a fully integrated system that keeps track of every step of the legal closing process.
Main Features
- Federal Disclosure Document Manager
- Certified e-Signatures for Item 23 Receipt
- Contract Terms
- Franchise Agreement Document Repository
- Full Audit Trail
Streamlined Communications
Potential franchisees, the corporate office, and vendors all remain in sync with timely communications. Whether email alerts, Slack notifications or in-app news, transparency is key.
Main Features
- Robust Configurable Alerts
- Open Countdown Alerts
- New Document Uploaded Alerts
- Company News
- Prospect Alerts
- Alerts for Data Changes
Software Integrations
The Zorzees platform integrates into a growing list of third-parties so that your existing systems can seamlessly migrate into with little to no configuration. Zorzees integrates to:
- Revel
- Intuit QuickBooks
- Mailchimp
- dokshop (Prisma)
- React
- WordPress
- Franchise Direct
- Franchise Help
- Slack
- And more….
Want to give Zorzees a try? Send us a sample file of your store or contact information, and we will create a demo version of Zorzees using your store data.
Learn about Stage 2 of Franchising: BUILD + OPEN
- When is then next construction deadline?
- What does the new sign look like?
- How do we make sure the new store page is SEO’d? Hint: The One Platform is fully optimized.